
Business Opportunities

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Partner with The Express

Operating the Express would not be possible without the valuable support of the local fans and the community businesses. We want to partner with local businesses to help boost their businesses while they support our community's Valley Baseball League franchise.We offer several promotional packages shown below, and would be glad to discuss any ideas that any business has in mind to help the Express or the community. The Express is owned by Strasburg Community Baseball, Inc.,  a nonprofit corporation whose Charter provides that any profits derived are to be shared equally between Strasburg Little League, Inc., baseball and softball, and the Strasburg High School baseball and softball programs.

Perfect Game Sponsorship Package

Perfect Game Home Run Package: $4,000

Signage: A minor league sized (8'x 16') professional vinyl sign will be in place on the outfield fence during the late spring and summer seasons. Your sign will be the only large sign placed in your line of business. A smaller sign will be in place from March until the winter/spring winds subside in mid to late May.

Website Advertising: Your logo and web link featured prominently on the front page, and every page, of our website, www.StrasburgExpress.com.

Game Time: Your business named specifically twice during every home game. Webcasts Your business named as an inning sponsor during every home game.

License: You receive the right to use our name and logo in your advertising. Prizes/Giveaways You can provide door prizes and giveaways, and will be recognized for the same.

Tickets: For home games, 4 Season's passes, plus 200 free tickets good for use anytime - at any home game or at your “Night at the Ballpark”. Invitations to player welcome picnic, player parent picnic, autograph sessions.

Night at the Ballpark: For your organization or business, your own Night at the Ballpark. You can set up tables to give away information to fans, give brochures to every fan, you are featured all night long in announcements, and your event is listed on team’s schedule poster. You will also be allowed to throw out the first pitch and will be provided 8 padded stadium seats in a prime viewing location, with your own attendant to provide to your group as many hot dogs and beverages as you care to eat.

Ballpark Business: As a Perfect Game sponsor, you can use a Canopy Tent and promote your business at the ball park at every home game, and give away any promotional items desired. With advance scheduling, we provide and set up the canopy, table, and chairs. The “Express Lane” will be an area for businesses to set up displays with maximum visibility.

Grand Slam Sponsorship Package

Grand Slam Sponsorship Package: $2,000

Signage: A minor league sized (8'x 16') professional vinyl sign will be in place during the late spring and summer seasons. For added exposure, for $500 annually, the first large sign from any particular industry will enjoy large sign exposure exclusivity. Exclusivity is granted on a first come, first serve basis. A smaller sign will be up from March until the winter/spring winds subside.

Website and Promo Advertising: Logo and weblink featured prominently on our front page. Your business will also be prominently featured on the schedule posters displayed throughout the area during the season and on the pocket schedules distributed to local fans during the season.

Game Time: Your business/organization named specifically once during every home game. We will work with you on the desired content.
License: You receive the right to use our name and logo in your advertising.

Tickets: For home games, Two season's passes, plus 100 free tickets good for use anytime at home games, and as many tickets to your Night at the Ballpark as desired.

Web Casts: Your business/organization named as a sponsor during every home game.

Night at the Ballpark: For your organization or business, your own Night at the Ballpark. You can set up tables to give away information to fans, give brochures to every fan, you are featured all night long in announcements, and your event is listed on team’s schedule poster. You will also be allowed to throw out the first pitch and will be provided 8 padded stadium seats in a prime viewing location, with your own attendant to provide to your group as many hot dogs and beverages as you care to eat.

Invitations: Invitations to player welcome picnic, player parent picnic, autograph sessions.

Ballpark Business: As a Grand Slam sponsor, you can set up a Canopy Tent and promote your business at the ball park at every home game, and give away any promotional items desired. The “Express Lane” will be an area for businesses to set up displays with maximum visibility.

Home Run Sponsorship Package

Home Run Sponsorship Package: $400

Signage: A 3'x 5' outfield sign will be displayed during the spring and summer seasons.

Website Advertising: You will be recognized on the sponsor’s web page at www.StrasburgExpress.Com.

Tickets: One season's pass, plus 20 free tickets good for use at any regular season home game.

Game Time: Your business/organization will be announced as a sponsor at least 5 times during the home schedule. We will work with you on the content of the message announced.

Business at the Ball Park: Your business will have the right to set up a tent/canopy on the Express Lane and advertise your business as you desire on one occasion. (pre-scheduling required) Additional nights can be purchased at $60 per night.

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