
Team Pastors

Faith, Family...and Baseball!

The Strasburg Express has several team pastors of various denominations, willing to talk with any players should the need/desire arise. Some of these pastors will be involved in our Baseball Chapel program. At all Sunday games, approximately 1 hour before game time, there will be a voluntary gathering of any players and fans interested for a short time of devotions. All MLB teams, including minor league teams, have Baseball Chapel on Sundays, normally in the locker room or an area close by, where players unable to attend church due to early afternoon starting times are able to worship in some fashion.  (For more information on the professional program, see www.baseballchapel.org.)

Normal pre-game activities will continue and participation is strictly voluntary, and will be open to players and fans alike. Our team pastors will lead a short time of devotions, sometimes with a baseball theme where the pastors can make the connection to their desired topic. Speakers have ranged from local pastors to former Redskin and NFL MVP, Mark Moseley.

Our team Pastors are:

Rev. Bill Erbach, Chairman, Baseball Chapel Program (Retired Military Chaplain and Lutheran Minister)

Rev. Jay Ahlemann (Restoration Fellowship Church)

Rev. Keith  Warren (Liberty Baptist Church)

Rev. Scott Priest (Restoration Fellowship Church)

Rev. Dusty Dillman (Youth Pastor Liberty Baptist Church)

Pastor Sonja Giersch-Williams (St. Paul's Lutheran Church)

Rev. Adam Rosenberger (Restoration Fellowship Church)

Anyone interested in being one of our team pastors, or participating in Baseball Chapel, should contact Jay Neal, President. 


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