

Host a Player


Each summer, from the last week of May through the first or second week in August, families in Shenandoah County open their homes to members of the Strasburg Express baseball team. They provide lodging during the season at no cost to the Strasburg Express organization (assistant coaches) or to team members. Ordinarily one player is assigned to an individual household, however, with the consent of the host family and the Strasburg Express management, more than one will be permitted. Frequently, families prefer multiple players.


Once assigned to a host family, the guest is expected to reside with his host family every night. Occasional exceptions may be made only with the approval of the Strasburg Express management and the host family(s) involved.  Visiting family members will obtain separate lodging and the team has obtained discounts for such purposes.


Each guest is responsible for his meals and laundry. Host families are encouraged to allow their guests access to their kitchen and laundry facilities. Some host families may choose to provide meals while others may not.  Players frequently eat on an irregular schedule.


While most guests will have their own cell phones, should the need arise to use their host family's telephone service, the guest is responsible for any long distance costs.  Likewise, pay per view movies, if allowed, are to be approved by the host family and must be paid for by the guest.


Personal transportation is the responsibility of each guest. He is expected to have his own vehicle or to make arrangements to car pool with teammates.


Each guest is expected to keep his living space clean and, at the end of the season, to leave it as he found it. He is expected to regularly clean up after himself in any area of the residence in which he has privileges (kitchen, bath, laundry, etc.).


Courtesy is a common sense issue. Expectations are high for both the host family and the guest. It should be understood that the schedule of the guest is quite different from that of his host family, and accordingly the guest must respect the quiet and order of his host family. Players are given very detailed rules and regulations on conduct and are expected to honor those rules and regulations to the letter.  While the Express tries to bring only well-mannered guests, we rely to a great extent on information provided by their college coaches.


Concerns of either the host family or the guest will be addressed by the Strasburg Express management immediately upon receipt of proper notice. Should a concern arise, it is important that the Strasburg Express management be notified without delay. Players are aware they are expected to obey all host family rules.


The Strasburg Express management strongly discourages the use of alcohol, tobacco products or drugs by team members. Under no condition shall any guest be provided these by his host family or be allowed to bring them into the home of his host family. Any player arrested or engaging in conduct that could render him subject to arrest will face the likelihood of immediate expulsion from the team. Players are aware that law enforcement officials in Strasburg will have Express staff members on speed dial.

SCHEDULE (may vary)

In early May, host families pick up packets with lots of info, seasons passes, etc. Host families will need to contact their players by phone and introduce themselves, and players are provided the same information. When a player arrives in Strasburg, he will coordinate  to meet his host family.  A welcoming covered dish picnic is usually scheduled in the first 2-3 days of the season, for all players, staff,  and host families. A picnic is scheduled for Parents Weekend, with the date set in early spring so all have advanced notice.

Host a Player Contact Form

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